Hallmark’s The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler

Hallmark Hall of Fame has finished filming The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler, a movie on the war experiences of Irena Sendler. Golden Globe winner, Anna Paquin, plays the role of Irena Sendler. Irena’s story came to light almost a decade ago, when the Life...

Internet Sites on Irena

The Irena Sendler Project warns of misinformation about Irena on Internet web sites. The students in the project have done over 100 primary interviews, including ten visits with Irena. They have collected 4,000 pages of research, much of the research being primary....

Vermont and Misc

The Vermont Life in a Jar presentations were beautiful. Thanks to Jack Mayer, his wife Chip, and our many, many hosts, for the gracious time.

Project began in 1999

The Life in a Jar/Irena Sendler Project began on September 23, 1999. We are beginning the tenth year of the project. Over thirty present and former students have been involved with the many aspects of sharing Irena Sendler’s legacy with the world.

Irena Sendler Passes Away

Irena Sendler passed away on Monday May 12th, 2008 at 8:00 am CEST in Warsaw, Poland. Born in Warsaw, Poland, she lived most of her young life in Otwock. Irena Sendlerowa led the rescue of 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto and those hiding in the Warsaw...