Recommended Sites
Below are several links that we would like to share with anyone interested in Irena’s story or those like it:
The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes
The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes discovers, develops and communicates the stories of unsung heroes who have made a profound and positive difference on the course of history. Through student-driven project-based learning, people throughout America and the world learn that each of us has the responsibility and the power to take actions that “repair the world” by improving the lives of others.
World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust
Stefanie Seltzer, Rene Lichtman, and the Executive Committee provide inspiring stories about child survivors and rescuers.
National History Day
The Irena Sendler project began as a National History Day project. Many of the diversity projects of Uniontown High School began as National History Day projects. National History Day is an exciting and fun way to learn.
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) is a private organization, dedicated to keep the example of Raoul Wallenberg alive all over the world, with the aim of promoting peace among nations and people, as well as developing educational projects based on concepts of solidarity, dialogue and understanding, with no distinctions.
The Association of Children of the Holocaust in Poland
This site is of the Association of Children of the Holocaust in Poland. The stated purposes of the organization are to create a community of persons who survived the Holocaust and grant them support, to never let the experiences of the Holocaust be forgotten, and to preserve the memory of Jewish life in prewar Poland.
The Southern Poverty Law Center
The Southern Poverty Law Center has been an inspiration for our tolerance and diversity projects. For 12 years we have drawn help and inspiration from this organization. Morris Dees and Penny Weaver are our heroes.’s profile of Irena and her role in aiding victims of the Holocaust
Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines
The people of Des Moines are very special and see the vision of ‘Life in a Jar.’
Midwest Center for Holocaust Education
MCHE website includes information about our history, contacts, membership, programs for students, teachers, and the community, From the Heart School Patrons Project, Resource Center, Exhibits for Loan, Web Links, and our Store.
Yad Vashem
Yad Vashem is the World Holocaust Remembrance Center and is a perfect source for Holocaust Education. The website features a story about Irena. On October 19, 1965, Yad Vashem recognized Irena Sendler as Righteous Among the Nations. The tree planted in her honor stands at the entrance to the Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations.
Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
On the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website, you will find valuable information about the museum, like hours, location, transportation, as well as information about the Holocaust itself. This website is perfect if you want to plan a trip to the museum, or if you just want to find out more information about the Holocaust.
Implicit Bias Resources –
This resource offers comprehensive information on understanding implicit bias, its impact on social interactions, and strategies for addressing it. It includes educational articles, tools, and actionable tips designed to help individuals recognize and reduce unconscious biases, fostering greater equity and inclusion in personal and professional settings.