Our Dream


A CONTINUATION OF OUR LIFE IN A JAR FOUNDATION TO HELP TEACHERS AND STUDENTS DEVELOP THOUSANDS OF MULTICULTURAL PROJECTS AROUND THE WORLD. These projects use the creative arts of drama, film documentaries and exhibits. These projects are in the spirit and character of the Irena Sendler Project and are designed to “change the world.”



Partners or a partner who would join us and share in developing hundreds of diversity projects, involving tens of thousands of young people in changing the world…..and, of course, continue telling the story of Irena Sendler.



After twenty years, the Life in a Jar/Irena Sendler project has a website with millions of hits, a play presented more than 375 times around the world, a best-selling book, hundreds of schools presenting Life in a Jar and thousands of media interviews telling Irena’s story. Our desire is still to……..


Repair the world.