Jaime, for ten years, portrayed three characters, including the blackmailer, Mrs. Rosner, and Sister Matylda Getter in the Life in a Jar performance.
She says the following, “Until a few years ago, I spent the entirety of my life in Ottawa, Kansas. I attended Sacred Heart Catholic School in my younger years and went on to graduate valedictorian from Ottawa High School. As college approached, I became frighteningly aware that I didn’t want to leave the sanctuary of my parents’ home. Though, with their support I was able to choose Pittsburg State University and attended my first semester in the Fall of 2004 as a Business Finance Major. It was an absolute blessing to have met Megan (Stewart) Felt in class one day, and I will never forget when she asked me to become a part of this project.
“Although I didn’t feel worthy to take on such a cause, my faith has always led me to achieve more than I think possible. My heart won me over quickly, and I joined in November of 2005. My words cannot begin to justify the emotions exuded with each performance as they are genuine and from the heart. Irena Sendler is a woman whose morale and courage I aspire to. As she has become my hero, I hope that she too will also become yours.”
Jaime graduated in May 2007, earning the distinction of cum laude, with a degree in business finance from Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, Kansas. She received her M.A. in 2009 and works at the Federal Reserve in Kansas City.
She visited Irena in Poland in April/May of 2008, saying, “Her (Irena’s) presence alone and grace especially astound me. My tears are not salty, but sweet. I cry tears of happiness, for in this life’s moment, I have lived a momentous life. It’s our message, our legacies that continue when we do not. Irena has the greatest and strongest of all. I still may not feel worthy to represent her life as I do, but I promised her I would honor her with a life of tolerance and kindness.”