Norm Conard taught social studies at Uniontown High School in Uniontown for 20 plus years, he has left the classroom to develop an international education center. The Lowell Milken Center celebrates unsung heroes in history.
A third generation educator, Mr. Conard made sure that his teaching style exceeded traditional classroom boundaries by encouraging his students to develop projects of tolerance and diversity. His dream and the dream of his students was to develop a foundation which can assist schools and students across the country to develop such projects….like Life in a Jar. One of his great sources of pride is having seen over 200 of his students win state history championships and 80 of his students achieve national recognition in the National History Day Competition.
Mr. Conard says, “Irena Sendler has changed my life and the lives of my students. She continues to make a huge difference in our world.”
Norman still works with the original student founders of the projects, all of which are in their 30’s. “Mr. C.” has won a number of state and national teaching awards including the National Teacher Hall of Fame.